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Release Notes 01.08.2024

1. August 2024 | Finmatics Updates

In these release notes, we inform you about the continuous innovations and improvements to the Finmatics software. We hope you enjoy reading them.


Current new features in this release:

  • Invoice approval: New filter and sorting options

  • DATEV: Automatic removal of special characters in invoice field 1 (Invoice Number)

  • Show original sender for e-mail forwarding


Invoice approval: New filter and sorting options  

For greater user-friendliness, we have improved the usability of the approval workflow. More filter options have been added for easier handling, as well as options for easier sorting. In addition, the option to filter documents by " assignee" has been added. This improvement fixes previous issues with approval management.



DATEV: Automatic removal of special characters in invoice field 1 (Invoice Number)

When using Finmatics with the DATEV Rechnungsdatenservice or DATEV Buchungsdatenservice, special characters can now be automatically removed from the "Document field 1" (invoice number) field in order to fulfill the requirements of the DATEV interface. Manual deletion of special characters is no longer necessary.




The special character is automatically removed and there is no error message.

You can find more information on readout of the invoice number in our Support Center:



Show original sender for e-mail forwarding

Email forwarding offers an uncomplicated solution for receiving invoices in Finmatics. To further optimise the email upload function, the original sender can now be displayed as the uploader when email forwarding is set up.

You can find more information about setting up email forwarding in our Support Center:
