Release Notes

Release Notes 02.02.2024

Written by Finmatics Updates | 1 February 2024, 16:02

In these release notes, we inform you as usual about the continuous technical developments and improvements to the Finmatics software. We hope you enjoy reading them.


Additional e-invoice format introduced

The ebUtilities format has been introduced as an additional supported e-invoice format (XML). From now on, XMLs in this format can also be uploaded to Finmatics, where they are automatically processed and displayed as PDFs in Finmatics.

Here you can get more information on supported e-invoice formats in Finmatics.


Improved interface and automation for service period

The service date/period is a crucial field in the booking line, especially for the accrual of bookings.

We have improved interfaces and automation for this field, which offers you the following benefits:

  • The seamless transfer of the service period date from Finmatics to Datev via both Buchungsdatenservice and Rechnungsdatenservice 1.0

  • A 20% increase in automation when entering and filling the service period date based on the document.


Improvement for training data uploads from DATEV files

Previously, only training data for which the subledger accounts or the cash/bank ledger account was entered in the contra account field was included, as this corresponds to the logic in Finmatics entry. With the adaptation in this release, training data is also recorded if the subledger or cash/bank ledger account has been entered in the Account field. This means that more data is taken into account when uploading training data, which subsequently provides more reliable results in the predictions and leads to improved automation.