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Release 22.07.0

7. July 2022 | Finmatics Updates
  • New Field Cost Key
  • New invoice upload dialog
  • Bug fixes and improvements

API - New Item Field - Cost Key/Kostenschlüssel

We have added a new item level field. The Cost Key field is intended to be used for cost center splitting.
It can be integrated just like our costCategoryId fields and can be fetched, created, updated and deleted via our public api.
To find out more please read our API documentation: Redoc - Masterdata costKey

The Cost Key field will also be added to our frontend in an upcoming release!


New Invoice Upload Dialog

We have improved the dialog for uploading new invoices.
The new dialog features a simpler and cleaner design, a better UX, improved error notifications and a warning if a user action is taken that might cause a running upload to be interrupted.


Aligned Import and Export Order to Be Equal

We have changed the way invoices are sorted. When exporting a batch the invoices will now be sorted by when and in what order they were uploaded.

This does not apply to custom api solutions or otherwise custom built exports!


API - Tax Amounts With Different Parameters

We have fixed a bug that could cause our public api to respond with different tax amounts for reverse charge tax codes depending on if the parameter fields=all was used.
Reverse charge tax codes are not calculated in our system and our api will respond with a tax amount of 0 while adding the correct tax percent and tax code.


VAT Exempt Not Showing Correctly in Frontend

We have fixed a bug that could cause the VAT exemption status of a client to not be shown correctly in the clients screen.


Party Bank Not Stored Properly

We have fixed a bug that could cause the party bank field to not be saved correctly after it was manually changed on an invoice.


UI and UX Improvements

  • Updated the filters on the orders screen and improved their usability
  • Improved visual feedback for clickable elements in frontend
